Fuck The Coup

  • Women who pave the road/hold the space/there for each other

    Medium: Acrylic on canvas
    Dimension: 12” x 12”
    Created: February 2021

    This was painted after two weeks into the coup. When the artist painted this, she was thinking of all the women who paved/ are paving the way, the women who hold space, the women who support each other, and the women who are there for each other.

  • Power of the people

    Medium: Acrylic, dried leaves on canvas
    Dimension: 18” x 24”
    Created: April 2021

    Since the military coup in Myanmar in February 2021, the three-finger salute has become the symbol of resistance. Many artists have been denouncing the coup through art. This is the artist’s three fingers salute to never give up resisting/denouncing the military junta. In the end, the power must lie with the people.

  • Dissociated Lotus

    Medium: Acrylic on canvas
    Dimension: 12” x 12”
    Created: April 2021

  • process/heal/scab

    Medium: Acrylic on canvas
    Dimension: 12” x 12”
    Created: May 2021

    Since February 2021, the artist has struggled with processing and healing from her experiences. Wounds beginning to scab over are scratched again and again, setting back the healing process and restarting the cycle.

  • Fuck The Coup

    Medium: Acrylic on canvas
    Dimension: 18” x 24”
    Created: Feb 2023

    FUCK THE COUP was painted over a painting on February 1st, 2023 to protest the coup anniversary.